Sundays February 25, March 3, 10, and 17—Small Group Gatherings
11:30 am A simple lunch of soup, bread and water followed by a time of scripture, prayer, and fellowship in the Fellowship Hall
HOLY WEEK (March 24-31)
March 24—Palm/Passion Sunday
10:00 am GRAND PROCESSIONAL with the waving of palms and the Passion Narrative Reading and music.
Children’s Easter egg coloring in the Fellowship Hall including a light lunch.
March 25-March 29 during Holy Week
9:30 am-12:00 pm The Sanctuary will be open for personal prayer and walking the Stations of the Cross.
March 28—Maundy Thursday
6:30 pm A Maundy Thursday Passover Meal with hand washing and Communion in the Fellowship Hall
March 29—Good Friday
7:00 pm A contemplative service followed by the Stations of the Cross in the Sanctuary
March 31—Easter Sunday
7:30 am Easter sunrise service followed by breakfast in the Fellowship Hall
10:00 am Easter Worship in the Sanctuary
11:15 am Easter egg hunt for children on the front lawn
11:15 am Coffee fellowship and the floral cross on the front lawn