Castro Valley UMC

You Are Invited

To be part of this faith community that cares about worshipping God, growing as faithful Christians, and serving our neighbors. All are welcome!


Learn about this coming Sunday’s theme, get ahead by reading this week’s Scripture, and find out about any activities that are being planned.

Stay connected with our church events, including Zoom meetings, as well as other events that are happening on the church campus.


Are you short on cash to buy food at the grocery store for a decent meal? Or, do you know someone who might benefit from having some groceries picked up for them? Learn about the Food-2-Go Program.


Maybe you are not sure about joining the church but you’d like to serve. There are opportunities for you to share your gifts and talents.

Service Times

Join us this Sunday

9:00 am - Zoom Worship

10:00 am - Worship in the Sanctuary

11:00 am - Fellowship

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